Michelle established A Home for Hooves Farm Sanctuary soon after starting to volunteer at a local farm sanctuary in September 2017. Volunteering had a significant impact on her life and not only did it result in starting a sanctuary, but she also started following a vegan lifestyle after being a vegetarian for 6 years. Michelle is the proud mother of an amazing little human and is incredibly thankful for the ability to raise her around animals. She also works part time as the Team Leader of Operations Support for the Laboratories in Island Health and she is the Sanctuary Representative for P.E.A.C.E. (People Ensuring Animal Care Exists). Michelle is a strong advocate for animals and believes education is key when it comes to improving animal welfare, promoting health, and protecting the environment.
Kirsti England Director & Vice President
Kirsti has been volunteering with A Home for Hooves since the Summer of 2018 and been a member of the Board of Directors since November 2018. A former Teacher and Military Logistics Officer, she brings an assortment of skills and abilities to the farm. She currently heads up the construction/beautification department here, and in the summer months, leads public educational tours. She also provides individual support and care in her home to any animals that require some extra TLC before they take up permanent residency at A Home for Hooves. Outside of her sanctuary work she is an ardent environmentalist and animal rights activist.
Sarah Davis Director & Secretary
Sarah has been volunteering at A Home for Hooves since we started in 2017. When she started here, there were 6 animals calling A Home for Hooves home and now there are over 170! Sarah has been a lifelong animal lover. She was vegetarian for 20+ years before becoming vegan a few years ago in order to fully align her actions with her values. Prior to volunteering at the sanctuary Sarah did not have any experience with farm animals but she feels very privileged to be learning how to take care of them. She also enjoys the many perks of the job which include kissing goats, scratching pig bellies, and petting chickens. Outside of the sanctuary, Sarah works as a Registered Nurse in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Victoria.
Ashlee Felgate Director
Ashlee has been a volunteer at A Home for Hooves since the Fall of 2018. After getting involved in animal rights activism, she joined our group of volunteers in order to expand her efforts to help animals directly. She enjoys learning about the day-to-day tasks involved in caring for our residents, as she came to A Home for Hooves with no experience working with farmed animals. Ashlee has found that not only are sanctuaries important for providing a safe home for animals in need, but they also serve to provide education and awareness to the public regarding rescued and abandoned animals. Outside of volunteering, Ashlee works as a nurse for Island Health, and likes weightlifting, yoga, and walking her dogs.
Stephanie Gordon Director of Fundraising
Steph has been volunteering with A Home for Hooves since February 2020 and joined the Board in February 2021. As a vegan and animal lover, Steph was drawn to A Home for Hooves’ commitment to providing forever homes to farm animals and promoting animal welfare. Steph works with Michelle on fundraising initiatives and supports the monthly sponsorship program. In her free time, she enjoys combining two of her favourite activities, photography and travel as well as spending time with her niece, Chandlyr.
Jay Muir Director of Animal Care
Jay has been volunteering with A Home for Hooves since September 2020. Jay started to attend veterinary school in the fall of 2022 at the University of Montreal, and he would love to eventually provide veterinary care to the animals at the sanctuary. Jay is a wildlife and portrait artist and has contributed several murals to the sanctuary. He is involved with visibility and activism for the transgender community of which he is a part of and he also enjoys hiking and trail running in his free time.